Reuse for Varaschin
Siamo felici di annunciare che la nostra collezione Reuse, progettata per Varaschin, è stata riconosciuta vincitrice nella categoria mobili ai Good Design Awards 2024.
We are pleased to announce that our Reuse collection, designed for Varaschin, has been recognized as a winner in the furniture category at the Good Design Awards 2024.

LEGEND 24 -Promemoria Group
LEGEND 24 -Promemoria Group
Siamo felici di aver partecipato al primo evento B2B sull’heritage in italia organizzato da Promemoria Group
“In questa edizione di Legend punteremo il focus su una delle sfide più cruciali per le imprese di oggi: il passaggio generazionale. Esploreremo nuove prospettive, innovative e un po’ visionare, per ridefinire il modo in cui si possono trasmettere i valori di un’impresa storica, senza perdere la scintilla che l’ha resa leggendaria.”
We are pleased to have participated in the first
B2B event on heritage in italy organized by
Promemoria Group.
“In this edition of Legend we focus on one of the most crucial challenges for today’s companies: the generational change. We will explore new perspectives, innovative and a little visionary, to redefine how you can transmit the values of a historic enterprise without losing the spark that made it legendary.“
B2B event on heritage in italy organized by
Promemoria Group.
“In this edition of Legend we focus on one of the most crucial challenges for today’s companies: the generational change. We will explore new perspectives, innovative and a little visionary, to redefine how you can transmit the values of a historic enterprise without losing the spark that made it legendary.“

Ceramica Sant’Agostino Showroom
Ceramica Sant’Agostino Showroom
La mostra “Visioni del Futuro: Architetture Avanguardistiche“, organizzata da Ceramica Sant’Agostino in collaborazione con Platform Architecture and Design.
La mostra inaugurerà il 25 novembre presso il flagship store di Ceramica Sant’Agostino, situato in Corso Garibaldi 95 a Milano e resterà esposta fino al 1° dicembre.

Super for Quadrodesign
Super for Quadrodesign
Super for Quadrodesign
We are pleased to announce that our Super bathroom collection, designed for QuadroDesign, has been recognized as a winner in the Bathroom category at the Archiproducts Design Awards 2024.
IDF24 in Lohne
"In conjunction with Küchenmeile 2024, Elica inaugurates its new showroom in the industrial district of Löhne: a permanent exhibition space within IDF34, which will allow Elica to strengthen its foothold in the German market and become a key player in the Benelux and Northern Europe. Designed by Milan-based studio Calvi Brambilla & Partners, the showroom reflects Elica’s rebranding journey, centred around its new positioning: from the logo, rooted in the past with an eye toward the future, to the payoff ‘Extraordinary Cooking’, which embodies Elica’s long-standing commitment to challenging the ordinary.
A showroom where design inspires and is inspired. A new space to experience Elica's quality, efficiency, and innovation."

Calvi Brambilla and Partners
Calvi Brambilla and Partners
Lo studio Calvi Brambilla and Partners sarà presente alla Milano Design Week 2024 con sei allestimenti al Salone del Mobile/Eurocucina e il nuovo flagship store di Zanotta in Via Durini 25/27. Al Salone del Mobile gli stand di QuadroDesign,Dooor, Olivari e Unopiù; ad Eurocucina gli allestimenti di Beko ed Elica.
Calvi Brambilla and Partners studio will be present at the Milan Design Week 2024 with six booths at the Salone del Mobile/Eurocucina and the new Zanotta’s flagship store in Via Durini 25/27.
At the fair the stands of QuadroDesign, Dooor, Olivari and Unopiù; at Eurocucina Beko and Elica booths.
Calvi Brambilla and Partners studio will be present at the Milan Design Week 2024 with six booths at the Salone del Mobile/Eurocucina and the new Zanotta’s flagship store in Via Durini 25/27.
At the fair the stands of QuadroDesign, Dooor, Olivari and Unopiù; at Eurocucina Beko and Elica booths.

Elle Decor Italia
Elle Decor Italia
“Milano. In un edificio costruito una ventina d’anni fa vicino al Naviglio Grande, caratterizzato da ampie terrazze verdi, lo studio Calvi Brambilla and Partners sceglie un linguaggio fatto di riflessi, luce e colore per riconfigurare l’appartamento di una giovane coppia”.
"In Milan, designer reflections between light and matter. In the living room of the flat designed by Calvi Brambilla and Partners, the relaxation corner with sofa is emphasised by the sculptural forms of the suspended ceiling that stands out between the petrol-coloured walls."
"In Milan, designer reflections between light and matter. In the living room of the flat designed by Calvi Brambilla and Partners, the relaxation corner with sofa is emphasised by the sculptural forms of the suspended ceiling that stands out between the petrol-coloured walls."

Calvi Brambilla and Partners
“Le dimensioni e l’allure di un petit studio parigino, lo stile fiorito del tardo Liberty milanese, la forza del presente. A due passi da piazza Cadorna, il progetto d’interni aggiorna al contemporaneo un appartamento del 1912. A dare personalità al pied-à-terre le scelte stilistiche dello studio cheremixa stucchi e intarsi miracolosamente ben conservati con arredi sartoriali e le forme organiche del design degli Anni 70
e di oggi”.
"The dimensions and allure of a small Parisian studio, the floral style of late Milanese Liberty, the strength of the present. Just steps away from Piazza Cadorna, the interior design project contemporizes a 1912 apartment. Giving personality to the pied-à-terre are the stylistic choices of the trio, blending miraculously well-preserved stuccoes and inlays with tailor-made furnishings and the organic forms of 70s and contemporary design".
"The dimensions and allure of a small Parisian studio, the floral style of late Milanese Liberty, the strength of the present. Just steps away from Piazza Cadorna, the interior design project contemporizes a 1912 apartment. Giving personality to the pied-à-terre are the stylistic choices of the trio, blending miraculously well-preserved stuccoes and inlays with tailor-made furnishings and the organic forms of 70s and contemporary design".

Calvi Brambilla and Partners
Calvi Brambilla studio will be present at the Milan Design Week 2023 with five booths at the Salone del Mobile and Euroluce 2023. At the fair the stands of Zanotta and Dooor, brands for which they have the Art Direction, Olivari and Janus et Cie; at Euroluce Flos’ booth, where they also are Design Curator.

Marie Claire Maison Hors Série
Marie Claire Maison Hors Série
Marie Claire Maison Hors Série
Il divano Bumper presentato da Zanotta nella collezione 2023 e disegnato da Calvi Brambilla è in copertina del numero di agosto di Marie Claire Maison. Il progetto è inserito nella rassegna “Le Meilleur Du Design” per il 2023-2024.
The Bumper sofa presented by Zanotta in its 2023 collection, designed by Calvi Brambilla is on the cover of the august issue of Marie Clair Maison. The project is featured on the “Le Meilleur Du Design” for the years 2023-2024.

Calvi Brambilla x Zanotta:
Fabio Calvi e Paolo Brambilla sono stati nominati Art Directors
della storica azienda di design Zanotta.
“Siamo orgogliosi di iniziare questa collaborazione con Zanotta nel ruolo di direttori artistici e molto felici di inaugurare il nuovo capitolo di una lunga storia.Partendo dalla rilettura di un’importante eredità, segnata dalla collaborazione con i più grandi designer, abbiamo l’obiettivo di creare una collezione che esalti la freschezza dei progetti e la qualità dei dettagli e dei materiali che da sempre hanno contraddistinto il catalogo del marchio”.
Fabio Calvi and Paolo Brambilla have been nominated Art Directors of the historical design brand Zanotta.
“We are proud to begin this collaboration with Zanotta in the role of art directors and very happy to inaugurate the new chapter of a long history. Starting from the reinterpretation of an important legacy, marked by collaboration with the greatest designers, we aim to create a collection that enhances the freshness of the designs and the quality of the details and materials that have always distinguished the brand's catalogue".
Elle Decor Novembre 2022
Studio Calvi Brambilla designs two inedit pieces for Villa Melzi d’Eril in Bellagio. A daybed and a double bed characterized by a curved metal structure. The new pieces, in perfect harmony with the existing buildings, add a page, unedited and cultured, to the history and charm of the place.
REFRESHMENT DESIGN TALK @ Lake Como Design Festival 2022
Fabio Calvi e Paolo Brambilla parteciperanno all’evento “Refreshment Design Talk”, all’interno del Lake Como Design Festival 2022. Tre serate di incontri per esplorare il tema del neo-nomadismo da diverse prospettive. Insieme all’antropologo Ivan Bargna gli architetti Calvi e Brambilla interverranno sul tema “Partire e restare. Le persone, i luoghi e gli oggetti”, un confronto tra design e antropologia.
Martedì 20 settembre 2022, alle ore 19:30 presso il Portico del Broletto, Como. A cura di Prashanth Cattaneo.
Fabio Calvi and Paolo Brambilla will attend to the event “Refreshment Design Talk”, at the Lake Como Design Festival 2022. Three evenings to explore the theme of neo-nomadism from different perspectives.
Together with the anthropologist Ivan Bargna, the architects Calvi and Brambilla will speak on the theme "Leaving and staying. People, places and objects”, a comparison between design and anthropology.
Tuesday 20 September 2022, at 7:30 pm at the Portico del Broletto, Como. Curated by Prashanth Cattaneo.
Lo studio Calvi Brambilla parteciperà alla settimana del
design di Milano del 2022 con sette allestimenti presso il Salone del Mobile e
con tre allestimenti Fuorisalone. In fiera gli stand di Antoniolupi, Olivari, Quadro, Desalto,
Janus et Cie, Pedrali e Zanotta; in città gli allestimenti per Elle Decor, FLOS
e Signature Kitchen Suite.
Calvi Brambilla studio will participate in the 2022 Milan design week with seven booths at the Salone del Mobile and with three Fuorisalone installations. At the fair the stands of Antoniolupi, Olivari, Quadro, Desalto, Janus et Cie, Pedrali and Zanotta; in the city the special exhibitions for Elle Decor, FLOS and Signature Kitchen Suite.
Calvi Brambilla studio will participate in the 2022 Milan design week with seven booths at the Salone del Mobile and with three Fuorisalone installations. At the fair the stands of Antoniolupi, Olivari, Quadro, Desalto, Janus et Cie, Pedrali and Zanotta; in the city the special exhibitions for Elle Decor, FLOS and Signature Kitchen Suite.

5 progetti al Fuorisalone, 3 stand al Supersalone:
questa è la Design Week milanese dal punto di vista dello studio Calvi Brambilla.Seguite l’hashtag #CBMDW21 su Instagram per scoprire i progetti giorno per giorno. Oppure, se ci riuscite, visitateli tutti di persona dal 4 al 10 settembre 2021.
5 projects at Fuorisalone, 3 stands at Supersalone,
here is the Milano Design Week 2021 interpreted by Calvi Brambilla.
Follow #CBMDW21 on Instagram to discover all the projects one by one. Or try to experience them all, if you can: from 4th to 10th September 2021.

“Design show:
Spazi temporanei e permanenti per l’industria dell’arredo”
L’Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Pavia propone un incontro webinar tematizzato sulla progettazione degli spazi temporanei e permanenti per l’industria dell’arredo. Relatore e ospite virtuale è l’architetto Fabio Calvi.
The Association of Architects of Pavia proposes a webinar meeting about the design of temporary and permanent spaces for the furniture industry. Fabio Calvi will be the speaker and virtual guest
The Association of Architects of Pavia proposes a webinar meeting about the design of temporary and permanent spaces for the furniture industry. Fabio Calvi will be the speaker and virtual guest

“MAD Meet ADI Designers”
(associazione per il disegno industriale) organizza MAD Meet ADI
Designers, ciclo di appuntamenti online dedicato
all'incontro tra studenti universitari e progettisti ADI. Alcuni
dei principali architetti e designer italiani metteranno a
disposizione le loro esperienze, strategie, motivazioni e idee che
caratterizzano il loro lavoro.
Relatore e ospite virtuale è l’architetto Fabio Calvi.
ADI (industrial design association) launches MAD Meet ADI Designers, a cycle of online talks aimed at creating a meeting point between students and professional ADI designers. Some among the most important italian architects and designers will share their experiences, strategies, motivations and ideas outlined in their work.
Relatore e ospite virtuale è l’architetto Fabio Calvi.
ADI (industrial design association) launches MAD Meet ADI Designers, a cycle of online talks aimed at creating a meeting point between students and professional ADI designers. Some among the most important italian architects and designers will share their experiences, strategies, motivations and ideas outlined in their work.

Milano Design City 2020
Il design come narrazione: lo studio Calvi Brambilla partecipa a Milano Design City con tre progetti, tre declinazioni per celebrare il design come elemento di raccordo tra culture, esperienze e orizzonti diversi.
Design as a tale: Calvi Brambilla will be part of Milano Design City with three projects to celebrate design as a connecting element between different cultures, experiences and horizons.
Ceccotti Collezioni in via Durini 23, Flos in Corso Monforte 15, Pianca&Partners in via Porta Tenaglia 7N3.

Signature Kitchen Suite Opening
Signature Kitchen Suite Opening
Lo studio Calvi Brambilla progetta il primo showroom europeo di Signature Kitchen Suite, il nuovo marchio di elettrodomestici built-in di alta gamma del gruppo LG Electronics. Lo spazio si propone come crocevia e punto di riferimento in città per gli amanti del cibo, del design e dell'innovazione.
Calvi Brambilla designs the first European showroom of Signature Kitchen Suite, the new high-end brand of built-in appliances part of the LG Electronics group in Milan. The space proposes itself as a crossroad and a new reference point in the city for lovers of food, design and innovation.

“Objects: an obsession”
“Objects: an obsession”
“Objects: an obsession”
Only YOU Hotel Atocha ospita la tavola rotonda alla quale parteciperanno Fabio Calvi e Paolo Brambilla. Parleranno del design italiano e del suo aspetto multidisciplinare. Organizzato da ICON insieme a Moisés Pérez de Albéniz e al direttore di ICON Italia, Annalisa Rosso.
Only YOU Hotel Atocha hosts the round table in which Fabio Calvi and Paolo Brambilla will participate. They will talk about the keys to Italian design from its multidisciplinary facet. Organized by ICON together with the gallery owner Moisés Pérez de Albéniz and the director of ICON Italia, Annalisa Rosso.
Only YOU Hotel Atocha ospita la tavola rotonda alla quale parteciperanno Fabio Calvi e Paolo Brambilla. Parleranno del design italiano e del suo aspetto multidisciplinare. Organizzato da ICON insieme a Moisés Pérez de Albéniz e al direttore di ICON Italia, Annalisa Rosso.
Only YOU Hotel Atocha hosts the round table in which Fabio Calvi and Paolo Brambilla will participate. They will talk about the keys to Italian design from its multidisciplinary facet. Organized by ICON together with the gallery owner Moisés Pérez de Albéniz and the director of ICON Italia, Annalisa Rosso.

Interni Design Week 2020
28 SEPTEMBER - 10 OCTOBER 2020 @ MILANOInterni Design Week 2020
Dal 28 settembre al 10 ottobre 2020 lo studio Calvi Brambilla parteciperà alla #InterniDesignWeek di Milano. 13 giorni di presentazioni, talk, dibattiti in showroom, gallerie, musei, curati da Interni.
From 28th September to 10th October, Calvi Brambilla will be part of the #InterniDesignWeek. 13 days of presentations, talks, real and virtual debates in showrooms, galleries, museums and headquarters curated by Interni Magazine.

IMM Cologne 2020
IMM Cologne 2020
IMM Cologne 2020
13-19 JANUARY 2020 @ COLOGNE
Dal 13 al 19 gennaio 2020 Desalto espone le ultime novità alla fiera imm Cologne in uno stand progettato da Calvi Brambilla. Hall 11.1 - stand F027 E026.
From 13th to 19th of January 2020 Desalto presents the latest news at imm Cologne - International Furnishing Fair in a booth designed by Calvi Brambilla. Hall 11.1 - booth F027 E026.

Maison & Objet 2020
17-21 JANUARY 2020 @ PARIS
#PedraliPalaceOfWonders arriva anche a Parigi in occasione di Maison & Objet 2020: lo stand accoglie i visitatori nel padiglione 6 (stand J2-K1) di Today Signature, la sezione dedicata all'interior design che combina originalità e innovazione.
#PedraliPalaceOfWonders arrives at Maison & Objet 2020, Paris: the booth welcomes visitors at the entrance of Hall 6 in Today Signature (Stand J2-K1), the section dedicated to the interior design that combines originality and innovation.

Good Design Award 2019
Good Design Award 2019
Good Design Award 2019
Good Design Award 2019
15 DECEMBER 2019 @ The Chicago Athenaeum
La famiglia di tavolini Baio disegnata da Calvi Brambilla per Pianca, distintasi per il valore innovativo del suo design nella sezione furniture 2019, vince il Good Design Awards 2019, antico e rinomato premio nel campo internazionale del design.
The coffee table collection Baio designed by Calvi Brambilla for Pianca, which stood out in the category furniture 2019 for its innovative design, wins the Good Design Awards 2019, the oldest and most important international design recognition.

Designing the fluid society
Designing the fluid society
Il 15 ottobre 2019 Fabio Calvi ha partecipato alla tavola rotonda organizzata da Domus in collaborazione con ASAL Assoallestimenti, nata dalla riflessione sulle strutture temporanee non come mero settore merceologico ma come categoria di interpretazione di una società nella quale i riferimenti vacillano lasciando spazio alla fluidità sia nelle esistenze individuali sia in quelle simboliche e istituzionali.
On October 15, 2019 Fabio Calvi participated in the round table organized by Domus in collaboration with ASAL Assoallestimenti born from the reflection on temporary exhibitions not as a commodity sector but as an interpretation of a society where references falter, leaving space to fluidity both in individual existences and in symbolic and institutional ones.

Spazi Narrativi
Spazi Narrativi
IED Roma invites Fabio Calvi and Paolo Brambilla to talk about Exhibit Design and to discuss with students graduating in the first edition of the Master in Exhibit Design.
Free admission on reservation:

Calvi Brambilla
Design Curators for Flos
Calvi Brambilla
Design Curators for Flos
Design Curators for Flos
Fabio Calvi e Paolo Brambilla sono stati annunciati Design Curator di Flos. Per la prima volta nella storia di Flos un curatore esterno guida il product design, per coniugare le anime del brand da Flos Home a Flos Architectural, Flos Outdoor e Flos Bespoke. Un lavoro di squadra con la CEO Roberta Silva e la Head of International Marketing e Chief Digital Officer Barbara Corti guiderà la passione verso nuove sfide, proseguendo la storia di Flos come brand all’avanguardia nel mondo del design.

Fabio Calvi and Paolo Brambilla have been announced as Design Curators of Flos. For the first time in the history of Flos an external curator guides product design, to combine the souls of the brand from Flos Home to Flos Architectural, Flos Outdoor and Flos Bespoke. Teamwork with CEO Roberta Silva and the Head of International Marketing and Chief Digital Officer Barbara Corti will lead the passion through new challenges, continuing the history of Flos as a leading brand in the world of design.
Warsaw Home 2019
Warsaw Home 2019
Warsaw Home 2019
Warsaw Home 2019
#PedraliPalaceofWonders dal Salone del Mobile di Milano giunge a Varsavia con quattro stanze dal diverso mood che si susseguono in una narrazione interrotta da forti segni grafici presenti su pareti, pavimenti e oggetti decorativi.
#PedraliPalaceofWonders from the Salone del Mobile arrives in Warsaw showing four rooms with different moods which going on through a narration interrupted by strong graphic signs on walls, floors and decorative objects.

Best Italian Exhibition Design
Best Italian Exhibition Design
#PedraliPalaceofWonders è stato selezionato dalla rivista Platform per il progetto Best Italian Exhibition Design: un volume che raccoglie progetti di architettura temporanea come allestimenti museali, stand espositivi e padiglioni temporanei, e una mostra presso la Casa dell'Architettura che giungerà a Miami nel Novembre 2020 per l’Archweek.
#PedraliPalaceofWonders was selected by Platform magazine for the Best Italian Exhibition Design project: a volume that collects temporary architecture projects such as museum exhibits, stands and temporary pavilions, and an exhibition at the Casa dell’Architettura that will arrive in Miami in November 2020 for the Archweek.

10-12 JUNE 2019 @ CHICAGO MART
Un gioco di leggerezza accoglie i visitatori con Buddy Constellation, sospendendo gli iconici pouf in una costellazione materica che conduce al settimo piano del Chicago Mart.
A game of lightness welcomes visitors with Buddy Constellation, suspending the iconic poufs in a materical constellation that leads to the seventh floor of the Chicago Mart.

Ossimoro @ Brand & Stone
26-29 SEPTEMBER 2019, HALL 1, MARMOMAC 2019
On the occasion of Marmomac 2019, in the Brand & Stone exhibition, Calvi Brambilla studio stages the paradox for Antoniolupi: OSSIMORO is the paradigm of tension, a sink-sculpture in white marble made by Lavagnoli Marmi.

Elle Decor Design Box
Elle Decor Design Box
Elle Decor Design Box
Elle Decor Design Box
13-16 MARCH 2019 @ MADE EXPO
Lo studio Calvi Brambilla, in collaborazione con Elle Decor Italia, ha realizzato l'allestimento del Design Box, una scatola luminosa per sperimentare materiali e finiture.
Calvi Brambilla, in collaboration with Elle Decor Italia, created the Design Box, a light box to experiment materials and finishes.
Lo studio Calvi Brambilla, in collaborazione con Elle Decor Italia, ha realizzato l'allestimento del Design Box, una scatola luminosa per sperimentare materiali e finiture.
Calvi Brambilla, in collaboration with Elle Decor Italia, created the Design Box, a light box to experiment materials and finishes.

Ossimoro @ Brand & Stone
Ossimoro @ Brand & Stone
7 nuovi prodotti, 5 installazioni al Fuorisalone, 12 stand al Salone del Mobile: questa è la Design Week milanese dal punto di vista dello studio Calvi Brambilla.
Seguite l’hashtag #CBMDW19 su Instagram per scoprire i progetti giorno per giorno. Oppure, se ci riuscite, visitateli tutti di persona dal 9 al 14 aprile 2019.
Challenge accepted! 7 new products, 5 installations at Fuorisalone, 12 stands at Salone del Mobile, here is the Milano Design Week 2019 interpreted by Calvi Brambilla.
Follow #CBMDW19 on Instagram to discover all the projects one by one. Or try to experience them all, if you can: from 9 to 14 April 2019.
Seguite l’hashtag #CBMDW19 su Instagram per scoprire i progetti giorno per giorno. Oppure, se ci riuscite, visitateli tutti di persona dal 9 al 14 aprile 2019.
Challenge accepted! 7 new products, 5 installations at Fuorisalone, 12 stands at Salone del Mobile, here is the Milano Design Week 2019 interpreted by Calvi Brambilla.
Follow #CBMDW19 on Instagram to discover all the projects one by one. Or try to experience them all, if you can: from 9 to 14 April 2019.

The Design City
The Design City
"The Design City. Milano città laboratorio", a cura di Marco Sammicheli e Anna Mainoli, e pubblicato da Forma Edizioni in collaborazione con il Salone del Mobile, è un omaggio alla città di Milano come contenitore di design. Il racconto passa attraverso immagini, progetti e storie di Architetti e Designer, tra cui Calvi Brambilla.
"The Design City. Milan: extraordinary Lab", curated by Marco Sammicheli and Anna Mainoli, and published by Forma Edizioni in collaboration with Salone del Mobile, is a tribute to the city of Milan as a design container. The narrative goes through images, projects and stories of Architects and Designers, including Calvi Brambilla.
"The Design City. Milan: extraordinary Lab", curated by Marco Sammicheli and Anna Mainoli, and published by Forma Edizioni in collaboration with Salone del Mobile, is a tribute to the city of Milan as a design container. The narrative goes through images, projects and stories of Architects and Designers, including Calvi Brambilla.