Janus et Cie Salone del Mobile
Janus et Cie | Exhibition | 2023
Il progetto per lo stand Janus et Cie è ispirato alla leggerezza.
Il padiglione è stato progettato
in modo che potesse essere percepito dai visitatori come una vera architettura, ma creando uno spazio aperto e molto luminoso.
Abbiamo disegnato una grande pergola,
struttura tipica dei giardini, la cui struttura intrecciata è percepibile anche
Sotto questa imponente struttura, dall’alto
della quale scende una cascata di luce uniforme, è facilmente
visibile con un
unico colpo d’occhio la collezione Janus et
Cie. Su tre pedane separate sono esposte le nuove
collezioni, incorniciate da grandi finestre che si aprono su paesaggi
fotografici, volutamente molto
rigorosi, che diventano loro stessi elementi
The design for the Janus et Cie booth is inspired by lightness.
The pavilion is designed to be perceived by visitors as a real architecture, but creating a
space that is also open and very bright. We designed a large pergola, typical
garden feature,
whose woven structure can be perceived even from the outside.
Under this imposing structure, from the top of which a
cascade of uniform light falls, theJanus et Cie collection is easily visible
at a glance. The new collections are displayed on three separate
platforms framed by large windows that open onto deliberately very rigorous
photographic landscapes, which become architectural elements themselves.
The pavilion is designed to be perceived by visitors as a real architecture, but creating a space that is also open and very bright. We designed a large pergola, typical garden feature, whose woven structure can be perceived even from the outside.
Under this imposing structure, from the top of which a cascade of uniform light falls, theJanus et Cie collection is easily visible at a glance. The new collections are displayed on three separate platforms framed by large windows that open onto deliberately very rigorous photographic landscapes, which become architectural elements themselves.
courtesy of Janus et Cie
photos by Stefano de Monte
photos by Stefano de Monte