Flos “If you are not curious, forget it” | Showroom Milano
Flos | Exhibition | 2018
In occasione del centenario della sua nascita,
Flos ha reso omaggio al grande Maestro Achille Castiglioni con un allestimento
a lui dedicato durante la Milano Design Week 2018.
Lo studio ha
curato il progetto mettendo in scena nella vetrina del negozio un ironico
dialogo tra l’eccentrico Maestro e alcuni tra i suoi più famosi oggetti di
luce, attraverso una galleria infinita di posture, smorfie e gestualità da mimo
ritratte nella storica serie fotografica di Luciano Soave.
On his 100th birth anniversary, Flos has paid
tribute to the great Master Achille Castiglioni with a dedicated exhibition
during the Milano Design Week 2018. Calvi Brambilla studio have curated the
project, setting up in the storefront window an ironic dialogue between the
eccentric Master and some of his most iconic light objects through an endless
gallery of gestural expressions, grimaces and mime actor’s poses portrayed in
the photographic series realized by Luciano Soave.
In occasione del centenario della sua nascita,
Flos ha reso omaggio al grande Maestro Achille Castiglioni con un allestimento
a lui dedicato durante la Milano Design Week 2018.
Lo studio ha
curato il progetto mettendo in scena nella vetrina del negozio un ironico
dialogo tra l’eccentrico Maestro e alcuni tra i suoi più famosi oggetti di
luce, attraverso una galleria infinita di posture, smorfie e gestualità da mimo
ritratte nella storica serie fotografica di Luciano Soave.
On his 100th birth anniversary, Flos has paid tribute to the great Master Achille Castiglioni with a dedicated exhibition during the Milano Design Week 2018. Calvi Brambilla studio have curated the project, setting up in the storefront window an ironic dialogue between the eccentric Master and some of his most iconic light objects through an endless gallery of gestural expressions, grimaces and mime actor’s poses portrayed in the photographic series realized by Luciano Soave.
On his 100th birth anniversary, Flos has paid tribute to the great Master Achille Castiglioni with a dedicated exhibition during the Milano Design Week 2018. Calvi Brambilla studio have curated the project, setting up in the storefront window an ironic dialogue between the eccentric Master and some of his most iconic light objects through an endless gallery of gestural expressions, grimaces and mime actor’s poses portrayed in the photographic series realized by Luciano Soave.
photos by Germano Borrelli